Note: The DigiCert feature is available for Manufacturing Connect 2.22.0 and later.
Manufacturing Connect allows you to centrally manage certificates to ensure encrypted end-to-end communication over TLS (Transport Layer Security). By providing users with the ability to seamlessly view and control certificates across all active Manufacturing Connect Edge instances, Manufacturing Connect facilitates the streamlined management of self-signed certificates directly within the platform.
The DigiCert IoT Trust Manager integration helps users easily manage, renew, and resolve problems with certificate expiration. It also simplifies certificate administration for managing edge devices.
To access the DigiCert UI:
- Log in to the Manufacturing Connect Admin Console at the following URL: https://[MC IP address]:8446.
- From the Navigation panel, select Integration.
- From Integration's navigation sub-panel, select DigiCert. Integration's DigiCert pane appears.
Refer to the following actions you can take on Manufacturing Connect Admin Console's DigiCert pane.

Action | Details |
[1] DigiCert server URL | This parameter is the DigiCert server URL used for communication with the DigiCert IoT Trust Manager. |
[2] Enrollment Profile ID | This parameter is a unique identifier for the Enrollment profile used for authenticating with the DigiCert IoT Trust Manager. |
[3] Enrollment Passcode | This parameter is a one-time generated code used for authentication between the Manufacturing Connect Admin Console and the DigiCert IoT Trust Manager. |
[4] Validate | Button to validate the DigiCert integration settings and ensure successful communication with DigiCert IoT Trust Manager. |