Manufacturing Connect Admin Co...
Product Features
Edit a User Profile
To edit a user profile, open the action menu for a user and select Edit User.
You can edit the following sections for the user:
- Edit User: Change the First Name, Last Name and Email address for the user. You can lock the user account from this section. You cannot change the User Name.
- Change Password: Change the user password.
- Company Level Teams: Add, modify, and remove company teams. You can add or remove team members by clicking on an existing team name. You can filter the company teams list.
- Project Level Teams: Add, modify, and remove project teams. You can add or remove team members by clicking on an existing team name. You can filter the project teams list.
- Marketplace Roles: Select or deselect marketplace roles for the user.
- Grafana Roles: Select or deselect Grafana roles for the user.
To Edit a Team, you can open the highlighted action menu below or click the link for the company name.
You can also remove the company team from the action menu.
Team action menu
When the Grafana administrator toggle is enabled, the user will receive the Admin role for the Grafana Dashboard. When disabled, the user will lose the Admin role and be set as an Editor or Viewer. See Grafana Dashboards and Visualize Child Device Data Using Grafana for details.