Product Updates

Manufacturing Connect 2.14.0


Release Date: September 22, 2023

Review the current list of Limitations.

New Features



  • The new Pub/Sub Settings tab allows you to manage key rotation in Pub/Sub connectors in edge devices. Each Pub/Sub connector uses a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Service Account (SA) key for authenticating to the cloud. You have the option to rotate keys automatically or manually. When automatic rotation is enabled, you can schedule a rotation interval and a time-of-the-week window to avoid disrupting production processes.
    • Currently, this feature can only rotate the keys in Pub/Sub connectors that are automatically created by Manufacturing Connect during edge device activation. For any other Pub/Sub connectors, you need to manage the key rotation outside of this feature.

Enhancements and Improvements


Cloud Management:

  • All lists now don't display disabled items. You can view disabled items by updating the view filters.
  • In Message Classes, you can now test an individual message class against a message.
  • In Types, you can use the Activate option in the Action menu for types that are not yet activated.

Status Overview:

  • The dashboard on the Status Overview page now displays data on tag usage for Manufacturing Connect Edge devices. This includes data on tag usage by all edge devices and tag usage by individual devices. You have the option of filtering the data and downloading the data to a CSV file.


  • Bridge performance between MQTT and Kafka is now improved.

Resolved Issues



  • Fixed issue with the firewall rule for NTP not being applied after installing or upgrading Manufacturing Connect.


  • Fixed issue with insecure password policies being accepted.


  • Fixed issue with email alert notifications not working.
  • Fixed issue with a SendAsDenied error displaying when using a Microsoft Outlook account to send metric alerts and the authentication address is correct.


  • Fixed issue with Grafana roles displaying.


  • Fixed issue with template files allowing more than 512 characters in the Description field.

Deprecated Components and Features


  • GOM (Graph-over-MQTT) is no longer supported.