Product Updates

Manufacturing Connect 2.5.1


Release Date: October 14, 2022

Note: 2.5.1 is compatible with MDE 110

New Features


Admin Console Settings:

  • Google Cloud Platform Cloud Credentials can be stored in .json format.
  • Storage settings can be set to either Local or Google Cloud Storage.

Enhancements and Improvements



  • Restructured Settings menu.
  • Removed various critical security vulnerabilities throughout Manufacturing Connect.

Company List:

  • Companies are now split between Edge Lifecycle Management and Asset Management.
    • Edge Lifecycle Management: Where users can manage Manufacturing Connect Edge devices.


  • Catalogs can now also be pushed to Manufacturing Connect Edge devices.


  • Logs are now provided for multi-container application.


  • Tag values can now be used as a Source of a trigger and/or as part of the return message.

Admin Console Settings:

  • Support Bundle now contains all user actions.

Resolved Issues


Installation and Configuration:

  • Manufacturing Connect will now successfully launch on Virtual Machines. Previously failed with error: /usr/bin/vaultbot: No such file or directory

Edge Devices:

  • When accessing a Manufacturing Connect Edge using RemoteUI, its Flow Manager>Flow Definition>dashboard external link was previously not reachable. (Still reachable when accessing the Manufacturing Connect Edge directly, without using the Manufacturing Connect RemoteUI.) This has been fixed.

Edge Devices:

  • Manufacturing Connect can now successfully create a backup of an activated, licensed-provisioned Manufacturing Connect Edge instance. Previously failed to create backup with message: "HTTP error: status=500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR; response=couldn't upload backup: unexpected response".
  • Resolved an issue when creating a backup of Manufacturing Connect Edge instance with perpetual (node-locked) license.


  • Creating/modifying an activation configuration with a Lease TTL value beyond CA certificate expiration date is now restricted.


  • For an application that has been deployed to multiple Manufacturing Connect Edge devices, all the Manufacturing Connect Edge devices will now be displayed. Previously only displayed one Manufacturing Connect Edge device.
  • Marketplace Catalogs in Draft state will no longer be available for deployment to Manufacturing Connect Edge devices.
  • Reworded Upgrade Application to Update Application.


  • Deleting a user with Grafana Administrator role will now automatically delete that same user from Grafana.


  • Uploading a docker image now shows correct creation date.

Deprecated Components and Features


Admin Console:

  • Separate port 8445 is no longer needed.

Known Issues


For FireFox browser with self-signed certificate, there are failures on all file uploads of Manufacturing Connect Edge on Manufacturing Connect Admin Console.

Parametrized templates are not supported for instance-level templates

The Admin Dashboard usage stats are inconsistent with the Data Lifecycle Management statistics