Product Updates

Manufacturing Connect 2.5.6/2.8.0


Release Date: February 7, 2023

Note: 2.5.6 Is compatible with MDE 110

Note: 2.8.0 Is compatible with MDE 120

New Features


Admin Console Settings

Manufacturing Connect now offers long-term API Tokens.

Enhancements and Improvements


Task List and Task Details

Added additional multi-Manufacturing-Connect-Edge operations that can be monitored by Task List.

Status Overview

The Dashboard now also supports Processed/Failed tags metrics.

Edge Management

Edge Devices List now also show processed/failed tags metrics 

Edge Management

This tab is now always available regardless of Marketplace license availability.

Edge Management

Multiple Select is now supported to delete multiple backups.

Edge Management

There is now a clear error message for pub/sub provision

Edge Management

Application Details now display Device ID and Device Status.


For Application Releases, variables can now be configured as private. This will make the variable values display as asterisks during deployment.


When creating a new user, a password is needed along with authentication.

Admin Console Settings

Support bundles now contain NTP Server Logs.

Resolved Issues


Edge Management

Fixed an issue with Manufacturing Connect Events not displaying.

License Server

Fixed an issue with License Server not accepting additional tag license

Admin Console Settings

Fixed issue where after upgrading to 2.7.0 Kafka SSL keystore became broken.

Admin Console Settings

Fixed an issue where after changing base domain name, location http header was still referring to the old base domain name.


Resolved a vulnerability related to CVE-2022-4116, CVE-2022-32221.

Deprecated Components and Features


Edge Management

Metrics are not available for Manufacturing Connect edge versions below 3.2.0 and 21.5.0.

Edge Management

The Explore tab has been removed.

Known Issues

The following issues are unresolved in this release:


For FireFox browser with self-signed certificate, there are failures on all file uploads of Manufacturing Connect Edge on Manufacturing Connect Admin Console.

Parametrized templates are not supported for instance-level templates

The Admin Dashboard usage stats are inconsistent with the Data Lifecycle Management statistics


Incorrect MC System/User Local time may break authentication.

Edge Management

  • Device list may be empty momentarily as it is actually loading.
  • An edge device may incorrectly display No active license warning even though it does have a license.
  • An edge device may incorrectly display Data status.
  • Manufacturing Connect Edge instances may be shown as offline and cease the connection with the Manufacturing Connect when the Manufacturing Connect was upgraded. This occurred when the Manufacturing Connect used a IPv6 remote network.

Edge Management

For Docker version of Manufacturing Connect, when Forward Events is enabled, actions that trigger events do not display the events.