Add Processors and Processor Connections
You can add an analytics processor to the Analytics canvas by navigating to Analytics > Instances. An analytics flow consists of at least one of the following: an input processor, a function, and an output processor.
To create an entire flow with processors and connections, see Create an Analytics Flow.
To add a processor:
- Navigate to Analytics > Instances. The Instances pane appears.
Use the Analytics Groups drop-down list to select the group you want to add the processor to.
Open the Action menu and select Add a processor. The Create a Processor dialog box appears.
- Use the drop-down list to select a processor. Processors are categorized by Inputs, Functions, and Outputs.
- Based on your selection, configure the parameters for the processor.
- Click Save.
To connect two individual processors, click the orange circle in a processor and drag the connection to the green circle of the other processor. You will need to select the type of connection to add:
- Events (individual data source): The receiving processor reacts to each individual data value immediately.
- Values (combined data sources): The function processor waits for values from all of the combined data sources before reacting.

If you receive a red error icon on one of the connected processors, hover over the connection error to view the error message.
Note: Some function processors require multiple inputs. Each of these is represented by an input processor and the corresponding connection.