Default Topics and Descriptions
Review the following information on default topics and descriptions.
To review use cases for topics, see Topic Use Cases (PLC Status, Poll-once, Write, Manage, Batch Write).
- When publishing structured data such as JSON, you must convert to a byte array (string) first. To do this in a flow, you can use the json node.
DeviceHub collects data from PLCs and sends data to a message broker for further distribution. Data flows trigger using an API call or execute according to a schedule. Manufacturing Connect Edge supports multiple data formats.
Refer to the following formats used for data in devices.
DeviceHub Tags generate a Raw Topic, which is a local topic for publishing and subscribing data through the message broker.
Manufacturing Connect Edge publishes each value to a tag-specific topic in the following topic format: devicehub.raw.{deviceID}.{tagID}.
When you copy a raw topic for a device in Manufacturing Connect Edge, the topic is copied in the following format: devicehub.raw.{DeviceID}.>. The ">" character represents a wildcard. This means that the topic will be used for any tag associated with the device.
When you Connect a Device, you have the option of using the Enable alias topics option. If you select to use alias topics for a device, then you won't be able to use raw topics as well. Each connected device can either use alias topics or raw topics, not both.
Important: When alias topics are enabled for a device, you can't use batch write topics. To use batch write topics, you must not select the Enable alias topics check box in the device configuration. See Connect a Device and Manage Devices for more information.
When the Enable alias topics check box is selected:
- deviceId in the raw topic format is replaced with deviceName
- tagId in the raw topic format is replaced with tagName
Alias topics use the following format: devicehub.alias.{devicename}.{tagname}.
Write topics write data to a tag-specific topic in the following topic format: devicehub.write.{deviceID}.{tagID}. Each device instance on the devicehub.write.{deviceID}.* topic receives all messages for the corresponding device. The device instance executes a write to the specified tag on the connected device.
Batch write topics can send multiple write requests simultaneously in the following format: devicehub.batch_write.{deviceID}.
- Only Gen 2 drivers can use batch write topics. See the Industrial Systems Connection Guide to review available Gen 2 drivers.
- This is only available for devices that don't select the Enable Alias Topics check box in the device configuration. You must use tags in the raw topic format. See Connect a Device and Manage Devices for more information.
Poll-once topics can be used to trigger a poll to a tag for data in the following topic formats:
- If raw topics are enabled: devicehub.pollonce.{deviceID}.{tagID}
- If alias topics are enabled: devicehub.pollonce.{deviceName}.{tagName}
When a poll-once topic is triggered by a message, Manufacturing Connect Edge will get data for that tag and publish a message to the raw or alias topic for that tag.
The following table summarizes the types of device-level and tag-level topics, either with or without aliases. You have the option of using raw topics or alias topics.
Category | Topics | Notes |
Device | devicehub.plcstatus.{DeviceID} | Subscription to a device status |
Device | devicehub.manage.{DeviceID} | To START/STOP the device's CONNECTION |
Device | devicehub.raw.{DeviceID}.> | Publish/Subscribe to all data from a specific Device. The ">" character represents a wildcard. |
Device | devicehub.plcstatus.{DeviceName} | To monitor the device's CONNECTION/DISCONNECTION status with Alias topics enabled |
Device | devicehub.manage.{DeviceName} | To START/STOP the device CONNECTION with Alias topics enabled |
Device | devicehub.raw.{DeviceName}.> | A wildcard to receive messages from all tags added to the device with Alias topics enabled. The ">" character represents a wildcard. |
Device | devicehub.batch_write.{DeviceID} | Send multiple write requests simultaneously |
Tag | devicehub.pollonce.{DeviceID}.{TagID} | Trigger this topic to get data from a tag one time |
Tag | devicehub.pollonce.{DeviceName}.{TagName} | To receive data from a poll-once raw topic with Alias topics enabled |
Tag | devicehub.raw.{DeviceID}.{TagID} | To receive data in raw format |
Tag | devicehub.write.{DeviceID}.{TagID} | To write data |
Tag | devicehub.alias.{DeviceName}.{TagName} | To receive data in raw format with Alias topics enabled |
Tag | devicehub.write.{DeviceName}.{TagName} | To write data with Alias topics enabled |
Events | | Subscription to all system events |