Manage Containers
You can run and manage containers by navigating to Applications > Containers.
You can add and run a container locally using the Run command. The named container pulls the container from the Docker registry and it appears on the Container pane, running locally.
Manufacturing Connect Edge supports Docker Registry v2.
- You must do one of the following:
To run a container:
- Navigate to Applications > Containers.
From the Containers pane, click Run. The Enter command to run field appears.
- Enter the docker run command for the selected application, and then click Run.
Example: docker run -d --name hello hello-world
The named container appears in the Containers pane, and its state is running. The container runs locally.
Refer to the image and callouts below for management options for containers.

[1] Copy port number
[2] Start and Stop container: Once stopped, the container shows an Exited status.
[3] Pause and Un-pause container
[4] Remove container: The container is removed from the Containers pane.
[5] Show container log: This is similar to the logs available from the Overview pane but displays directly from the container environment. See the "View Container Logs" section below for more information.
[6] Inspect: Displays the configuration, attached volumes, and policies included in the container. From the specified container pane, you can reload the container.
[7] Terminal: You can open a terminal console for a specified container. The terminal is normally used for diagnostic purposes. It allows you to modify the application's configuration, though this is not recommended.
[8[ Container top: You can view information about the container services that are running. This is normally used by developers.
When you click the Show container log icon, the Log pane displays.
Refer to the image and callouts below for filter options for container logs.

[1] Search: Enter search terms to find text in all the log entries defined.
[2] Fetch Log: You can review a log for the specified time period you select (All logs, Last day, Last 4 hours, Last hour, or Last 10 minutes, Last minute).
[3] Line Wrap: If enabled, text is formatted to fit within the screen, so no horizontal scrolling in the log screen is needed.
[4] Display Timestamp: If enabled, the timestamp for each message is displayed.
[5] Download Logs: Select to download all logs or only logs you've filtered to display.