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Create a Docker Image to Deploy to Your Private Repository
You must configure Docker before you can configure a custom marketplace in Manufacturing Connect Edge. The following example uses Python as the installed application.
Before you complete the steps below, make sure you do the following.
- Verify the Docker image is on the same network as the Manufacturing Connect Edge device.
- Install Python and Ubuntu.
To create a Docker image:
- Create a project directory named python-webserver under the "~/" directory.
- Create a Dockerfile with the following content: FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get -y install python RUN apt-get clean EXPOSE 8000 CMD [ "python", "-m", "SimpleHTTPServer" ]
- Build the Docker image: $ ~/python-webserver> docker build -t python-webserver
- Create a Docker repository in Docker Hub ( with the name: <your username>/python-webserver
- Push the python-webserver image to the Docker Hub: $ ~/python-webserver> docker login —-username=yourhubusername $ ~/python-webserver> docker tag python-webserver <your username>/python-webserver $ ~/python-webserver> docker push <your username>/python-webserver
You can now pull this image into a private repository.