Product Features

Generated System Events


Events are displayed when you complete a specific action for a component.

Note: Some actions performed are local.

The event can be a success or a failure. Review below what each event may display and the possible events for each component.


This event may display

Possible events

Auth (Authentication)

  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • Username of the affected user
  • Name of the affected role
  • Failure reason
  • User created
  • Failed to create user and failure reason
  • User deleted
  • Failed to delete user and failure reason
  • Role created
  • Failed to create role and failure reason
  • Role deleted
  • Failed to delete role and failure reason
  • Role assigned to the user
  • Failed to assign role to the user and failure reason
  • Role unassigned from the user
  • Failed to unassign role from the user and failure reason
  • User logged in
  • Login lockdown initiated


  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • Connector type
  • Connector name
  • A list of affected tags
  • Failure reason
  • Connector created
  • Failed to create a connector and the failure reason
  • Connector removed
  • Failed to remove the connector and the failure reason
  • Connector enabled
  • Connector disabled
  • Connected
  • Disconnected
  • Tags removed
  • Tags enabled
  • Tags disabled


  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • Name of the driver
  • A list of affected tags
  • Failure reason
  • Device created
  • Failed to create device and failure reason
  • Device updated
  • Failed to update device and failure reason
  • Device removed
  • Failed to remove device and failure reason
  • Device enabled
  • Device disabled
  • Device connected
  • Device disconnected
  • Tags added
  • Failed to create tags and failure reason
  • Tags removed
  • Failed to remove tags and failure reason
  • Tags updated (added or removed)


  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • Name of the file the backup was restored from
  • Certificate information
  • Failure reason
  • Device rebooted
  • Version information
  • Software update applied. Confirmation is pending a reboot.
  • Software update failed and failure reason
  • Activation information
  • Activation completed
  • Activation failed and failure reason
  • Deactivation completed
  • Deactivation failed and failure reason
  • Disk space limit information
  • Low disk space. User-defined level exceeded
  • Low disk space. System level exceeded
  • Backup - restore information
  • Backup restored successfully
  • Backup restored with warning(s) and failure reason
  • Backup restore failed and failure reason
  • Template applied
  • Failed to apply the template and failure reason
  • New self-sgned certificate deployed
  • Server SSL certificate deployed
  • Failed to deploy server certificate and failure reason
  • CA certificate added
  • Failed to add CA certificate and failure reason
  • CA certificate removed
  • Failed to remove CA certificate and failure reason
  • Identity certificate added
  • Failed to add identity certificate and failure reason
  • Identity certificate removed
  • Failed to remove identity certificate and failure reason
  • Identity certificate renewed
  • Identity certificate expired


  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • License key, name, features, expiry date and days to expiry
  • Failure reason
  • Trial has started
  • License added
  • Failed to add license and failure reason
  • License activated
  • License is expiring soon
  • License is expired


  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • Application name
  • Failure reason
  • Application created
  • Failed to create an application and failure reason
  • Application stopped
  • Failed to delete the application and failure reason
  • Application download started
  • Application download completed
  • Application download failed and failure reason
  • Application started
  • Application exited
  • Application restarted


  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • uuid
  • Message
  • Failure reason
  • Server started / stopped
  • User modified
  • Certificate or hierarchy update

Flows Manager

  • Username of the user that performed the action
  • id
  • Last heartbeat value
  • Message
  • Flow name
  • uuid
  • Flow created
  • Flow deleted
  • Flow updated
  • Flow started
  • Flow stopped
  • Flow memory limit updated
  • Failures and errors


  • The group name
  • Message
  • Username of the user who performed the action
  • uuid
  • Create new analytics group
  • Analytics group updated
  • Analytics group locked and unlocked