Product Features

Input Processors


The Analytics module makes use of built-in Input processors to retrieve data from a topic, database, or generator.

The following describes the input processors that are currently available.

Database Batch Input Processors

Database Batch Input Overview

  • Generate events by periodically polling specified DB measurements.
  • Filtering:
    • You could add filtering for queries.
    • List of fields depends on database and measurement, but for device data, standard filters are: datatype, device_id, is_device_status, register_id, success, tag, topic, value.
  • Examples:
    • Filter by tag: "tag" = 'tag1'
    • Filter by tag and success: "tag" = 'tag1' AND "success" = 1

Database Batch Input Parameters




Select the name of the database from which data will be retrieved.


Specify the SQL filter for the WHERE part of the query to filter the data from the database.

Metric Name

Name of the metric for TimeSeriesDB polling.

Period Secs

Set the polling interval in seconds for retrieving data from the database.


Define the data typed policy for processing the retrieved data.

Database Batch Input parameters
Database Batch Input parameters

DataHub Subscribe Processors

DataHub Subscribe Overview

  • Generate events from specified DataHub topic and attach to output.

DataHub Subscribe Parameters




Choose the format of the data, with possible values of json or fb (flat buffer).


Select the specific device and tag from which data will be collected.

Ignore Failed Data (Manufacturing Connect Edge version 3.11.0 and later)

Select to ignore data with the output success=false.

Ignore Null Value (Manufacturing Connect Edge version 3.11.0 and later)

Select to ignore data with the output value=null.

DataHub Subscribe parameters
DataHub Subscribe parameters

Generator Processors

Generator Overview

  • Simple generator for testing, use t as the variable.

Generator Parameters



Amplitude Multiplier

Specify the amplitude multiplier for the generated signal.


Choose the supported math functions for generating the signal, such as sin, cos, tan, power, sqrt, log, exp, or abs.

Generator Type

User defined signal generation or pre-defined generation.


Define the periodicity of the signal in seconds.


Specify the strength of the simulated wave approximation, with the maximum value being 10.

Timer Interval

Set the timer in milliseconds. If no event occurs, this timer is used to keep displaying the output continually. Enter zero to disable the timer.

Generator parameters
Generator parameters