Product Features

Upload an Image


You can upload an image using FTP or from your hard drive.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have created a registry for the image you are uploading. See Add a Registry to learn more.

Upload an Image

To upload an image from your hard drive:

  1. Navigate to Applications Images. The Images pane appears.
  2. Click the Upload Image (+) icon. The Import Image dialog box appears.

    Upload Image icon
    Upload Image icon

Select one of the options below: "Upload an Image from your Hard Drive" or "Upload an Image Using FTP".

Upload an Image from your Hard Drive

From the Import Image dialog box:

  1. Select Upload.
  2. Click Select Docker Image.
  3. Navigate to the .tar image file on your hard drive and click Open.
  4. Click Import.

Upload an Image Using FTP

From the Import Image dialog box:

  1. Select FTP.
  2. Click Select Docker Image.
  3. Enter the file path for the .tar image file in the Image File Path field.
  4. Click Import.