Manufacturing Connect Admin Co...
Product Features
Admin Console Settings



This section covers network settings for Manufacturing Connect Admin Console.

Access Network UI

To access the network UI:

  1. Log in to Manufacturing Connect. From the Navigation panel, select Admin Console. The Dashboard pane by default appears.
  2. From the Navigation panel, select Settings. The Settings pane appears, by default the Network tab displays.
  3. From the Settings pane, select Network. The Network tab appears.


In a corporate environment, servers have no direct access to the Internet. Security proxies are used to access servers. The Proxy section allows you to set up the use of a proxy server to access Manufacturing Connect.

Note: HTTP proxy is used for offline license activation and for alerts like Webhook and Slack.

Before You Begin

Make sure that a proxy server is created and available.

Network Settings
Network Settings



[1] Enter HTTP host

Example format (xxx.xx.xx.216)

[2] Enter HTTP port

Input http port number

[3] Enter HTTPS host

Example format (xxx.xx.xx.216). Enter the HTTPS host and port if the proxy server operates in HTTPS.

[4] Enter HTTPS port

Enter the HTTPS host and port if the proxy server operates in HTTPS.

[5] Toggle Use the same proxy server for HTTPS protocol

If the HTTP host proxy also operates as HTTPS, enable this.

[6] Enter Non-proxy hosts

The format for the hosts are each host's DNS/IP address, separated by commas.


[7] Test setting

If the test succeeds, a black check mark displays. If the test fails, a red cross is displayed.

[8] Save Proxy settings

Save proxy settings to device
