Product Features
The System > Info pane allows you to view information about your system. You can also view Device Time and Up Time for Manufacturing Connect Edge in this page.
To access the System Info pane:
- Log in to Manufacturing Connect Edge.
From the Navigation panel, select System. The Info pane appears.
Refer to the following sections on the Info pane and the information they display.
Device Time displays the time zone configured for the Manufacturing Connect Edge instance. See Set Timezone. Up Time displays how long the instance has been running without a disconnection.

Device Time and Up Time
- Model Number: The model number of the host system
- Manufacturer: The manufacturer of the host system
- Software Version: The current Manufacturing Connect Edge version
- Hardware Version: The hardware version of the host
- Serial #: The serial number of the host system
- Name: CPU details
- Cores: The number of cores for the installed CPU
- Logical Processors: The number of logical processors for the installed CPU
- Clock Speed: The maximum clock speed for the installed CPU
- Vendor ID: The manufacturer for the installed CPU
This section also shows details of all CPUs present in the system.

CPU section
- Used: The amount of space used on the hard drive partition in GB
- Available: The amount of space available to use on the hard drive partition in GB
- Total: The total amount of space on the hard drive partition in GB

Data Partition Usage section
- Used: The amount of memory used in MB
- Available: The amount of memory available to use in MB
- Total: The total amount of memory in MB

Memory section
- Interface: Type of network interface: Ethernet (eth0 or eth1), a Wi-Fi (wlan0), or an LTE (wwan0) network interface.
- MAC Address: Physical address of the network interface.
- IP Address: Logical address assigned by software to the network interface.
- Address Family: inet means that IPv4 traffic is run through the interface, while inet6 means that IPv6 is run through it.
- Type: Type of the network's address space.
- Private: The network interface can interact with any other network because the IP address has global scope.
- Link-local: The IP address is only valid on local network segments. IPv6 requires a link-local address on every network interface.

Network Interfaces section
- Name: The name of the device
- Alias: The name you designate as an alias for the device
- Model: The model of the device
- Path: The path used to connect to the device

Serial Interfaces secti
The CAN Interface settings appear in the Info pane of the System module if the CAN Bus module is present for the HPE EL300 device.