Quickstart Guide

Access the Manufacturing Connect Edge Web UI


After successfully installing Manufacturing Connect Edge, you can access the Web UI from a browser such as Chrome or Firefox.

Important: You may see the following error message when working with Analytics: "Http failure response for /analytics/v2/version: 0 Unknown Error". If you see this message, disable any ad-blockers your browser may have.

Access from a Browser

After you have installed Manufacturing Connect Edge you can connect to the Manufacturing Connect Edge device from a browser using the network IP address for the device. The address can be found on the terminal display of the gateway or of the VM terminal.

URLs to access Web UI
URLs to access Web UI


  • The system is accessible from a browser by host name if your computer supports mDNS. This is a convenient feature if your device uses DHCP for address
  • Make sure that your network is not behind a company firewall or proxy that is blocking the connection.

Log in to the Manufacturing Connect Edge Web UI the First Time

Refer to the following to log in to Manufacturing Connect Edge the first time after installing it to your device.

  • Make sure you connect your personal computing device (Laptop, Tablet, Desktop) to the network in which the device operates. The Manufacturing Connect Edge software should be installed on the device that is connected to the same network as your personal computing device so that you can establish a network connection.
  • To access the Web UI, you must use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari. The browser must be able to establish a network connection to the device.
  • Gather the Manufacturing Connect Edge IP address from the terminal window as shown above.

The IP used to access the device is usually the WAN IP or eth0 IP. If the IT and OT networks are segregated, the network used to establish the connection to the PLC system, robotic system, or CNC system is the eth1 network and cannot be accessed from the browser. If no segregation exists, only eth0 is used by both the OT and IT connection. There is no open external API point.

Manufacturing Connect Edge uses a self-signed certificate, so the browser will most likely block the login for security reasons. Choose the advanced option to bypass the error message. See Browser Issues to learn more.

To log in to Manufacturing Connect Edge the first time:

  1. Enter Manufacturing Connect Edge IP address into the browser address bar.
  2. Enter the default credentials. The default username is admin and password is factoryconnect.
  3. Click Log in.
  4. A Software License Agreement displays. Review the agreement and click Accept.
  5. Follow the prompts to change your password.
  6. Manufacturing Connect Edge opens in your browser. The Dashboard page appears by default. You are now logged into Manufacturing Connect Edge.

Password Requirements

Password requirements are applied when you reset your password or create user accounts within Manufacturing Connect Edge. At the first login, you will be prompted to change the default password. When creating a password, the password must meet the Password Policy Management Requirements. See Policy Management for more information.


  • Do not forget your password. For security reasons, there is no password recovery. If you lose the administrator password, you must reinstall Manufacturing Connect Edge.
  • In some cases, you may need to use the Terminal User Interface as you may have no direct network access to the device. In this case, you can connect locally to the device using a keyboard, mouse, and monitor. This will allow you to perform the required network setup to make the device accessible through the Web UI.

Activate a License

You will need to activate a license to access Manufacturing Connect Edge features if:

  • Your trial license or production license has expired.
  • You are running Manufacturing Connect Edge through Docker.

Note: If you can access Manufacturing Connect Edge features and would still like to activate a license, Activate a License Online if Your Current License is Not Expired and Activate a License Offline if Your Current License is Not Expired.

You have the following options for activating a license.

Option 1: Activate Manufacturing Connect Edge with Manufacturing Connect

To activate Manufacturing Connect Edge with Manufacturing Connect, Manufacturing Connect must have a site license on its own license server. See Activate an Edge Device to learn more.

Activation fields for Manufacturing  Connect activation
Activation fields for Manufacturing Connect activation

Option 2: Activate Manufacturing Connect Edge with License Server

You can activate a Manufacturing Connect Edge license by setting a license server in Manufacturing Connect Edge under Advanced Options. See Set a License Server to learn more.

License Server Settings option
License Server Settings option

Option 3: Activate Node-Locked License

You can activate a node-locked license for the Manufacturing Connect Edge instance under Advanced Options. See Activate a License Online if Your Current License is Expired and Activate a License Offline if Your Current License is Expired to learn more.

Node-locked license
Node-locked license