Product Features

Gen1 and Gen2 Driver Differences


The following table shows the differences between the capabilities of Gen1 and Gen2 drivers.

The Gen2 drivers are paired as closely as possible with comparative Gen1 drivers to help with the selection process.

Note: The Enable Logging option when connecting an edge device is only available for Gen 2 drivers. See Connect a Device for more details.

Gen 1 Driver

Gen 2 Driver

Modbus ASCII (Gen1)

  • Data types supported are: bit, word.

Modbus ASCII

  • Has the same functionality as Modbus ASCII (Gen1).
  • Better performance compared to Gen1 driver.
  • Data types supported are: bit, word.

Modbus RTU (Gen1)

  • Data types supported are: bit, int, uint, ulong, ulong (big-endian), float, float (big-endian), double, double (big-endian).

Modbus RTU

  • Data types supported are: bit, word.
  • Has an option for zero-based addressing and therefore replaces both Gen1 RTU drivers.

Modbus TCP (Gen1)

  • Data types supported are: Data types supported are: bit, int, uint, ulong, ulong (big-endian), float, float (big-endian), double, double (big-endian).

Modbus TCP

  • Has the same functionality as Modbus TCP (Gen1).
  • Data types supported are: bit, word, float32, float64.
  • Better performance compared to Gen1 driver.
  • Has an option for zero-based addressing and therefore replaces both Gen1 TCP drivers.

Modbus UDP (Gen1)

  • Data types supported are: bit, word.

Modbus UDP

  • Has the same functionality as Modbus UDP (Gen1).
  • Better performance compared to Gen1 driver.
  • Data types supported are: bit, word.

Simulator (Gen1)

  • This driver is used to generate simulated data. It supports all the standard python math functions.
  • Does not support char and string data types.
  • Data types supported are: bit, int, float.


  • Has the same functionality as Simulator (Gen1).
  • Data types supported are: float64, int64, unit64, bit, char, string.