Manage Devices
After you connect devices to Manufacturing Connect Edge (MC Edge), you can navigate to DeviceHub > Devices to manage them.
Click the icons for Show devices grid or Show devices table to change how you view your devices.
From the Show devices grid view, you can use device tiles to access management options. Refer to the image and callouts below.
Note: If MC Edge is rebooted, the status of devices is maintained. For example, if a device is stopped and you MC Edge reboots, the device will remain in a stopped state when MC Edge restarts.
[1] Action menu
- Edit device configuration
- Stop/Start device
- Remove device
- Copy topics
- devicehub.plcstatus.<topicID>
- devicehub.manage.<topicID>
- devicehub.raw.<topicID>
[2] Copy Driver Name
[3] Copy Device ID
You can access device information and edit options by doing one of the following:
- In the Show devices grid view, click the device tile.
- In the Show device table view, click the device name.
By clicking the Data tab, you can view dynamic information (data for the device).
Note: To access the Data tab, you must select the Enable Data Store option for the device.
The Data tab displays the following values:
- Last value
- Last Updated time of the tag
You can also download a CSV file with tag data for the last 24 hours.
By clicking the Configuration tab, you can view and edit parameters for the device.
By clicking the Tags tab, you can view tag information and manage them.
For each tag, you can click the Action menu icon and do the following:
- Edit the tag
- View and copy a Write Topic
- View and copy a Poll Topic
- Remove the tag
- Clone & Edit the tag
You can also click the Copy icon to copy the raw topic.
Note: If you view or download a log file, it will only display a maximum of the 50 most recent log entries.
Click the Logs tab (only available for Gen 2 drivers) to view log information for the device. You can also download a file of logs. You need to select the Enable Logging check box in the device configuration to view this tab.