Maintenance and Failure
The Maintenance and Failure KPI mainly deals with the maintenance event and a fault/failure event in a production cycle.
- For Maintenance events per cycle, you can see the number of maintenance events (planned or unplanned) in a production cycle.
- For Time since last maintenance, If you know that a machine needs to be checked periodically, you can see the time elapsed between maintenance events.
- Timestamp of last maintenance is used to keep track of the previous time maintenance occurred.
- For Number of faults / failures detected in a period, you can see the number of failures that have occurred in a period.
- For Time since last failure, if you know that the machine needs to be checked periodically, you can see the time elapsed between failure events.
- Timestamp of last failure is used to keep track of the previous time when a failure occurred.
- The timer interval parameter is useful if the connected input tag is offline but you still want this KPI to look for a value every few seconds, defined by the timer.
- Within the KPI you can define how you want to trigger the mechanism of a maintenance event, and a failure event. For example, if you define Maintenance From: 0 and Maintenance To: 1, this means that when the value from the input tag, with the definition on the connection as maintenance, goes from 0 to 1, it is an indication that there was a maintenance event. Failure From: 2 and Failure To: 4 means whenever the input tag the definition on the connection as *failure *goes from 2 to 4, it is an indication that there was a failure event.
Parameters | Details |
Maintenance From | This parameter specifies the value at which a maintenance event is considered to be triggered. |
Maintenance To | This parameter specifies the value at which a maintenance event is considered to be completed. |
Failure From | This parameter specifies the value at which a failure event is considered to be triggered. |
Failure To | This parameter specifies the value at which a failure event is considered to be completed. |
Unit | This parameter allows you to select the time unit in which the time since the last Maintenance/Failure will be displayed (Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, or Weeks). |
Timer Interval | Timer in milliseconds. If no event, use this timer to keep displaying the output continually. Enter zero to disable. |

Note: When creating an analytics flow with Maintenance and Failure KPI, refer the Use the Maintenance and Failure KPI a guide for more details.