Product Features
Key Performance Indicators

Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization


You can use the Manufacture Counter KPI processor to count the total number of manufactured units in a period.

Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization Overview

  • Use Total Units manufactured if you need a simple count of the total number of units manufactured in a period.
  • Use Capacity Utilization if you want to monitor how much output is being produced compared to an ideal scenario.
  • The timer interval parameter is useful if the connected input tag is offline but you still want this KPI to look for a value every few seconds, defined by the timer.
  • You should have an input connected with this KPI with the definition on its connection as manufactureEnd. For example, if you define Manufacture From Valueand Manufacture To Value1, this means that when the value from the input tag, with the definition on the connection as manufactureEnd, goes from 0 to 1, it is an indication that a unit was manufactured.
  • After creating this KPI, you need to add a definition called manufactureEnd to the connecting wire, which is an event trigger, triggering whenever there is end of a manufacturing cycle.

Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization Parameter



Device Reset

This parameter resets the KPI when the connected device is reset.


Enter the unit of time (e.g., minute, hour, day, week) for which you are entering the ideal count.

Ideal Count

Define the ideal count of manufactured units per chosen unit of time (e.g., per hour, day, week).

From Value

Enter the value that indicates the end of a manufacturing cycle.

To Value

Enter the value that indicates the end of a manufacturing cycle.

Timer Interval

Timer in milliseconds. If no event, use this timer to keep displaying the output continually. Enter zero to disable.

Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization Parameter
Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization Parameter

Note: When creating an analytics flow with Manufacture Counter and Capacity Utilization KPI, refer the Use the Manufacture Counter KPI guide for more details.